Prof. Emmanuel Boutillon (Lab-STICC, UBS) is the coordinator of the project. He has already successfully led several collaborative projects (recently ANR NAND, Labex Cominlabs RELIASIC). He has previous experience in CCSK-NB modulation, NB-LDPC codes, demodulation and GPS receivers (see
All the academic partners of the QCSP project have built a strong research collaboration during the 2015-2018 ANR NAND project. The industrial partners of the consortium (CEA but essentially ORANGE LABS and SEQUANS) could rally enough support to try to steer or influence a standardization committee and to develop and deploy a new IoT communication waveform. The foreign partner of the QCSP project is the the International University of Beirut (BIU, formerly LIU) that will participate through the PhD student, M. Kassem Saied co-supervised by Dr Ali Chamas Al Ghouwayel from BIU-LIU Lebanon and Prof. Emmanuel Boutillon from Lab-STICC, UBS.
LAB-STICC (UBS), Lorient UMR 6285, has expertise in the field of demodulation and NB-LDPC code. Lab-STICC/UBS holds one patent on CCSK-NB-LDPC modulation and 12 patents on NB-LDPC decoder architectures. Project leader: Emmanuel Boutillon, professor.
Lab-STICC (IMT atlantic), UMR 6285, Brest, research activity is mainly dedicated to the joint design of algorithms and hardware architectures for digital communication applications. LAB-STICC/IMT Atlantique has been strongly involved in the definition of coding and modulation schemes for several standards (DVB, 3GPP). Principal investigator: Catherine Douillard, professor.
ETIS (ENSEA), UMR 8051, Cergy-Pontoise, has know-how in the field of channel coding and decoding as well as their hardware implementations. Principal Investigator: Fakhreddine Ghaffari, associate professor.
ims (ENSEIRB-MATMECA), UMR 5218, Bordeaux , has an experience in high level synthesis and high-performance software and hardware implementation of error correction decoders, skills required to implement a fully operational CCSK-NB-code receiver. Principal Investigator: Bertrand Le Gal, assistant professor.
BIU-LIU, Lebanon has an expertise in the hardware design of NB-LDPC decoder, FPGA and ASIC prototyping, in addition to the algorithmic aspect of the association of NB-LDPC codes with CCSK modulation scheme which is the big bet of the QCSP project. Principal Investigator: Ali Chamas Al Ghouwayel, Associate Professor.
CEA-LETI (Grenoble), will investigate the design of low-rate NB-Polar codes combined with CCSK modulation, as well as the efficient detection and synchronization of the CCSK-NB-Polar frame. Principal Investigator: Valentin Savin.
ORANGE LABS, are focused since many years on the IoT and cellular networks domains. Recent activities are dedicated to LoRa and LTE-M technologies, but also IoT connectivity solutions in 5G. They are also actively involved in the 3GPP standardization process. Principal Investigator: Louis-Adrien Dufrene.
Sequans Communication Labs, is a French SME, leading developer and supplier of single-mode LTE chipset solutions that are highly cost and power efficient. SEQUANS was founded in 2003 to address the WiMAX market where it became the de facto leader. In 2009, SEQUANS turned to address the LTE market, where today its LTE chips are powering many new single-mode LTE devices, including tablets, routers, and solutions for IoT. SEQUANS is one of the most experienced pure-play 4G technology companies in the world, having developed and delivered six generations of steadily advancing 4G technology. Principal Investigator: Guillaume Vivier.